Small potatoes
File this under Irony:(subhead)Wheels of Justice/Slow
The AJC has an initial feature story about Atlanta's former Mayor Bill Campbell who ran the city (into the ground) during the 90's. Campbell was the apex of Civil Rights era black politicians who ran for office on their history with the subtext of "get whitey". His City Hall was simply inefficient and inept but I remember him as the Mayor who single handedly shamed Atlanta by allowing the vendors to ruin Centennial Olympic Park during the Olympics in '96. It was also on his watch when a black owned politically connected Municipal bond brokerage house looted the City pension funds for millions.
The feature has a link to the federal indictments again Campbell and given the backdrop of K-Street and the Abramoff scandal it's almost laughably trivial.
Racketeering Acts 1-3: Campbell solicited more than $50,000 from computer contractors hoping for a deal to prepare the city's computers for Y2K.
Racketeering Acts 4&5: In 1996 while bidding for city contracts, Campbell gambling buddy Fred B.Prewitt arranged for a city construction contractor to fund the #9,581 installation of two heating and air-conditioning units at Campbell's Inman Park home and to pay Campbell $10,000 in cash.
How abolutely quaint.
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